Save Our Trails


We had a dry run of our presentations to San Jose City Council on Three Creeks Trail funding and critiqued the presentations.
We heard of a meeting with Ed Shikada, Deputy City Manager, about the City’s failed attempts to negotiate the purchase of the right of way from Union Pacific Railroad.
We learned that the money shown in the capital budget for the Three Creeks Trail is not hard cash, but is money that has been promised by various sources but not banked and booked, and not currently available for land purchases.

We received the report on the availability of funds for the Three Creeks Trail. The bottom line is that the city has allocated no money for the trail. We reviewed the disposition of funds from various other sources.
We planned a presentation to the San Jose City Council for their May 12th meeting on the budget for the next year.
One member presented a history of the county’s and city’s involvement on the Three Creeks Trail.
We made plans to outreach to four neighborhood associations in San Jose District 3 that would benefit from the implementation of the trail.
We agreed to schedule the clean-up of the Los Gatos Creek bed on April 25th.
A member agreed to establish a web presence for SAVE OUR TRAILS.

We learned that the project to develop houses on the path of the Three Creeks Trail between Lonus Avenue and Willow would not be going ahead.
A concern was expressed about trash that is accumulating in the Los Gatos Creek up- and downstream of the trestle. A committee was formed to organize a clean-up in the area.
We heard from Helen Chapman, Director, Committee for Green Foothills, who gave us contact information for other groups that would support our efforts.
One member volunteered to check into the status of funds and grants that have been allocated or may be available for implementation of the Three Creeks Trail.

Organizing meeting of Save Our Trails
Feb 28, 10am-12pm at Willow Glen Baptist Church

Everyone present introduced themselves. The mission statement of Save Our Trails was read.

The group discussed the current objective/proposed strategy to attempt to defeat the development of the old railroad property to possibly be purchased by Asante Real Estate Group. Two community members presented information about how much money the City of San Jose had to purchase this piece of property that is being proposed to be developed by Asante Real Estate. We discussed what compromises the community might be willing to make.

Organization of the group was discussed as a group. We resolved that there would be 4 subgroups to work on specific matters for the 3 different sections of the trail. We will also refer to the entire proposed trail development as the 3 Creeks Trail, which includes sections in District 3, District 6 and District 7. The 4 subgroups are named, Guadalupe to Coyote Creek, Outreach, Trestle/Los Gatos Creek to Guadalupe and Finance.





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