Save Our Trails


Board of Directors


Term Expires

President: Bill Rankin


Vice President: Bruce Victorine


Treasurer: Laura Levin


Secretary: Mary Ellen Petrich



Members of the Board

Term Expires

Chuck Cantrell


Eleni Jacobson


Laura Levin


Jack Nadeau


Mary Ellen Petrich


Bill Rankin


Tom Schaefer


Justin Triano


Bruce Victorine



Corporate Information

Corporate Name: “Save Our Trails: Connecting Santa Clara County Communities”
Save Our Trails is exempt from Federal Income Tax under provisions of section 501(c)(4) of the IRS code.
Federal Employer Identification Number: 80-0583776
State of California Entity Number:
[Note we are NOT


By-laws and policies

By-Laws Adopted November 16, 2015
Policies Updated January, 2015


Meeting minutes and agendas

July 20, 2020:
March 16, 2020 (Tenth Annual Meeting): [meeting postponed due to COVID-19]
January 20, 2020:
Agenda; Minutes

November 18, 2019:
September 16, 2019:
Agenda; Minutes
July 15, 2019:
Agenda; Minutes
May 20, 2019:
April 22, 2019 (Ninth Annual Meeting):
Mar 18, 2019:
January 21, 2019:
Agenda; Minutes

November 19, 2018:
Agenda; Minutes
September 17, 2018: Agenda; Minutes
July 16, 2018:
Agenda; Minutes
May 21, 2018:
Agenda; Minutes
March 19, 2018 (Eighth Annual Meeting):
Flier; Agenda; Minutes
January 15, 2018:
Agenda; Minutes

November 20, 2017:
Agenda; Minutes
September 18, 2017:
Agenda; Minutes
July 17, 2017:
Agenda; Minutes
May 15, 2017:
Agenda; Minutes
March 20, 2017 (Seventh Annual Meeting):
January 16, 2017:
Agenda; Minutes

November 14, 2016:
Agenda; Minutes
September 26, 2016:
Agenda; Minutes
July 18, 2016:
Agenda; Minutes
May 23, 2016:
Agenda; Minutes
March 21, 2016 (Sixth Annual Meeting):
Agenda; Minutes
January 18, 2016:
Agenda; Minutes

Nov 16, 2015:
Agenda; Minutes
Sept 21, 2015:
Agenda; Minutes
July 20, 2015:
Agenda; Minutes
May 18, 2015:
Agenda; Minutes
March 16, 2015 (Fifth Annual Meeting):
Flyer 5th Annual Mtg; Minutes
January 19, 2015:
Agenda; Minutes

November 17, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
October 20, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
September 15, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
Augest 18, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
July 21, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
June 16, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
May 19, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
April 21, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
March 24, 2014 (Fourth Annual Meeting):
Agenda; Minutes
March 17, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
February 17, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes
January 27, 2014: Planning for the Annual Meeting – no formal agenda;
January 20, 2014:
Agenda; Minutes

December, 2013: No meeting
November, 2013: No meeting
October 21, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
September 16, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
August 19, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
July 22, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
June 4, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
May 7, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
April 2, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
March 26, 2013 (Third Annual Meeting):
Agenda; Minutes
March 5, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
February 5, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes
January 14, 2013:
Agenda; Minutes

December 10, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
November 12, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
October 8, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
September 10, 2012:
Agenda ; Minutes
August 13, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
July, 2012: — no meeting
June 11, 2012: Agenda: Minutes
May 14, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
April 9, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes
March 12, 2012 (Second Annual Meeting):
Agenda; Minutes
February 13, 2012:
Agenda; No minutes available
January 9, 2012:
Agenda; Minutes

December 12, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
November 21, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
November 14, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
October 17, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
August 8, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
July 11, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
June 13, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
May 31, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
May 9, 2011:
Agenda; no minutes available
April 11 , 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
March 7, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
February 7, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes
January 3, 2011:
Agenda; Minutes

December 6, 2010:
Agenda; Minutes
November 1, 2010:
Agenda; Minutes
October 4, 2010:
Agenda; Minutes
September 18, 2010:
Agenda; Minutes
August 21, 2010:
July 17, 2010:
April 17, 2010:
March 20, 2010:
February 20, 2010:


Official position statements

July 27, 2020: Support for the City of San Jose's grant application for the Five Wounds Trail Project:

June 11, 2020: Letter to Open Space in Support of Coyote Creek Coalition OSA Grant: 200611 Letter of Support for Coyote Creek Coalition OSA Grant

January 30, 2020: Letter to the Mayor of Santa Clara and Members of the City Council requesting an update to the the Trails Master Plan: 200123 SOT to Santa Clara requesting update of Trails Master Plan

December 3, 2019: Letter to the Mayor of San Jose and Members of the City Council, with feedback on the San José Diridon Station Integrated Concept Plan: 191203 SOT response to Dec 3 Agenda Item 6.2 San Jose Diridon Station Integrated Concept Plan

November 30, 2019: Letter to the Mayor of San Jose and Members of the City Council, expressing support for the principles expressed in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Google: 191130 SOT letter in favor of Google MOU

June 3, 2019: Letter to the Mayor of San Jose and Members of the City Council, ensuring that the expansion of Sharks Ice includes plans for Three Creeks Trail: 190603 Three Creeks Trail and Sharks Ice SOT

August 17, 2018: Letter to the Cupertino City Council expressing support for the construction of the Regnart Creek Trail: 180817 to Cupertino Council in favor of building Regnart Creek Trail – final

July 28. 2018: Letter to the California Department of Transportation expressing support for a grant application for the Five Wounds Trail 180728-1 to Cal-DOT in support of Five Wounds Trail

January 10, 2018: Letter to the Open Space Authority expressing Support for a grant application for a feasibility study to close a gap on the Bay Area Ridge Trail 180110 to OSA in support of gap closing study

September 5, 2017: Letter to Governor Brown in support of SB 492 (“Preservation of the Upper Guadalupe, Los Gatos, and Saratoga Creek Watersheds“) 170905 to Gov Brown in support of SB492

August 18, 2017: Letter to the Mayor of San Jose and Members of the City Council, in support of amending the city pay plan to increase the pay scale of park rangers 170818 to SJCC in support of salary increase for park rangers

July 6, 2017: Letter to Kim Walesh, Director of Economic Development and Deputy City Manager of the City of San Jose, in support of an open-air course for the Los Gatos Creek in the Diridon Station Area 170706 Letter to Kim Walesh on Diridon area development and the LGC

March 3, 2017: Letter to California Senator Jim Beall in support of Senate Bill 492 170314 to Sen Beall in support of SB492

December 30, 2016: Letter to the San Jose Parks and Recreation Commission expressing our support for the Guadalupe River Trail Master Plan: 161228 to Parks-and-Rec-Commission supporting GRT Master Plan

August 26, 2016: Letter to Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful supporting a grant application for the conceptual planning of “Coyote Meadows”, as a park in an unused open space in San Jose: 160826 in support of a study to create Coyote Meadows

August 22, 2016: Letter to the Open Space Authority supporting a grant application of the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council for a feasibility study to choose a route for a section of the Bay Area Ridge Trail in Santa Clara County: 160822 to OSA supporting grant for Ridge Trail

July 6, 2016: Letter to CalTrain Peninsula Corridor Joint Power Board requesting the withdrawal of a Call for Bids for the Los Gatos Creek Bridge replacement: 160706 to Caltrain opposing letting a contract for a replacement bridge

June 13, 2016: Letter to Cupertino City Council endorsing the shortest, safest, and most pleasant route for the Stevens Creek Trail by using residential streets between Homestead and Stevens Creek Blvd.: 160613 to Cupertino CC favoring safe route for SCT

June 5, 2016: Letter to San Jose City Council requesting funds to construction documents for a new pedestrian bridge over the Guadalupe River at Chynoweth Avenue: 160505 to SJCC for funds for bridge across Guadalupe

November 11, 2015: Letter to San Jose City Council expressing our opposition to the diversion of park in-lieu funds: 151107 to SJCC opposing diversion of park funds

May 19, 2014: Letter to San Jose City Council endorsing the plan to remove grade-level crossings on the Los Gatos Creek Trail: 140519 to SJCC on Diridon Station Area Plan

December 23, 2013: Letter to the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board: 131223 letter to JPB on Los Gatos Creek Bridge Replacement

April 28. 2013: Letter to Mr. John Baty of the San Jose Department of Planning: Letter in support of re-opening the tunnel under CA-85 to reconnect neighborhoods

March 22, 2013: Letter to the Mayor and Council Members, City of San Jose: Letter in support of staff recommendation to replace the existing trestle over the Los Gatos Creek with a steel structure

November 11, 2012: Letter to Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: Recommendation for projects that best meet objectives for Stanford University mitigation funds

May 19, 2012: Letter to Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: Support of the allocation of Stanford University mitigation funds

May 17, 2012: Letter to BART Bike Program Manager: 120517 Comments on draft BART Bike Plan

December 19, 2011: Letter to Santa Clara Valley Water District: Comment on the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Plan

December 13, 2011: Letter to the Mayor of San Jose and Members of the City Council: Support of Settlement in Union Pacific RR v. City of San José

August 8, 2011: Letter to the City of San Jose, Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement: Comments on Draft EIR for Envision 2040 / Three Creeks Trail



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